Smiling middle-aged woman


With the #WeeNeedToTalk campaign, Always Discreet is on a mission to break the silence on bladder leaks and encourage women to start a conversation today

It’s considered a taboo subject – but is more common than we think! Two thirds (67 per cent) of women are found to wet themselves, according to research by Always Discreet.

Perception is that bladder leaks are something that only happen to women later in life or as a result of child birth but this isn’t the case. In fact, 64 per cent of 18-24-year olds are experiencing the issue.

Sadly, almost a third (29 per cent) of women experiencing leaks took a year or more to even admit to themselves that they had an issue, let alone discuss it with others. Half (49 per cent) said they have still not had the courage to talk to their most trusted friends or family with over 60 per cent saying they are too embarrassed and ashamed.

Always Discreet is on a mission to break the silence on leaks and have enlisted the help of Dr Anita Mitra, Gynaecologist and author or ‘The Gynae Geek; Your No-Nonsense Guide to Down There Healthcare’.

Dr. Anita Mitra commented “Bladder leaks are common in lots of women and not just in older generations and those women who have had natural child births.

Unfortunately, it’s still a bit of a taboo and so women don’t tend to fully understand it, with many avoiding talking about it. The more we speak about it, the better, so women don’t feel alone and silenced by a few little leaks.”

Ladies would rather talk about money worries, relationship problems, weight gain and even mental wellbeing above bladder weakness. Only vaginal dryness and a drop-in sex drive are considered more taboo topics of conversation. Seven in 10 (71 per cent) of women experiencing bladder leaks have not discussed it with a GP, with many explaining that they didn't want to waste their doctor’s time.

Always Discreet has launched an advertising campaign telling diverse stories of real women living with little leaks on a daily basis. The result is an empowering and emotional campaign that shows women coming together to support each other, with the brand hoping that it will encourage conversation and make women feel less alone.

An accompanying behind-the-scenes video has also gone live to tell these emotional stories in more depth. For every like or comment on the #WeeNeedToTalk video from 4th to 18th July, Always Discreet will donate £1 to Bladder UK, the largest support charity dedicated to bladder health. Every £1 will help fund a Confidential Advice Line so that more women can get professional advice and support.

Survey methodology:

One Poll conducted research among 2,000 women in the UK between the ages of 18 and over. It was an online poll completed between 22nd and 29th May 2019.

There is a wide variety of Always Discreet incontinence products for bladder weakness to meet the needs of all women. These draw away moisture and neutralise odour.