Lying smiling middle-aged woman

How to Stop Bedwetting in Adults

Bladder leakage at night can happen whether or not you feel the urge to go, so you may not always know beforehand that you have to use the toilet. This means you may even wake up to wet sheets the next morning. Everyone deserves a dry and comfortable night’s rest. Learning more about bladder leakage at night will help you get to the cause of the problem and learn how to manage it for some extra zzz’s.

Why your bladder might leak at night

It is common that bladder leakage at night is a form of overflow incontinence. If you experience overflow incontinence, the involuntary release of urine from an overly full bladder, you likely experience urine leaks – a lot! Even at night. You naturally have to use the bathroom less while you’re sleeping than when you’re awake. This is because your body produces a hormone called ADH – anti-diuretic hormone – that signals to your kidneys to produce less urine. However, some people don’t produce the appropriate amount of ADH at night, leading to too much urine production.

Alternatively, even if your body produces enough ADH, your kidneys may not respond to the hormone. This means that your body will still produce too much urine, leading your bladder to be overly full and to leak.

In some cases, bedwetting in adults is genetic. If your one of your parents has previously struggled with wetting the bed, you have a 40% of being a bedwetter yourself.

Having an overactive bladder is another common reason for bladder leakage at night. Overactive bladder occurs when the nerves and tissues surrounding the bladder are damaged – either from a previous pelvic surgery, infection, or a neurological condition – causing the bladder to contract involuntarily even when it isn’t full. Because your body produces less urine at night than during the day, the urine you do produce is more concentrated and acidic. Acidic urine will irritate an already sensitive bladder, making it spasm. As a result, you may wet the bed. This means that bladder irritants such as caffeine and alcohol can worsen the condition.

What you can do about bladder leakage at night

Waking up to a wet bed is no way to start your day. Plus, it can be difficult to approach the subject with your partner in the morning that you wet the bed, no matter how supportive they are. It may be time to look into solutions for how to remedy a leaking bladder at night.

Don’t be embarrassed

Adult bedwetting is involuntary and out of your control. It’s not your fault! It is more common however t han you may think. Plus, it’s solvable.

Make a urination routine

Be sure to empty your bladder at regular intervals throughout the day. This way, your bladder is not over-stressed and fatigued from holding it in during the day.

Schedule your fluid intake

Stop drinking fluids at 6pm, so that you can ensure that your bladder is empty when you are ready to go tosleep.

Go before bed

Emptying your bladder before you get under the covers is key in preventing bladder leakage at night. Make sure to go to the toilet (whether or not you feel the need to) to make sure your bladder is fully empty prior to sleep.

Use a bedwetting alarm

There are several types of bedwetting alarm systems that can alert you when a leak is starting. Most often, they include a fastening that attaches to your underwear that produces vibrations or beeps designed to wake you from sleep should you start urinating. They can be helpful in learning how to prevent a leaking bladder at night..


Medication can help regulate antidiuretic hormone (or ADH) levels in your body. ADH is responsible for signaling to the kidneys that they need to produce less urine during the night. Ask your doctor if this kind of treatment is right for you as you explore how to stop bedwetting. Medication may also be necessary to treat a urinary tract infection if this is the cause of your bedwetting.

Incontinence pads or underwear

Bladder leak products like Always Discreet pads or underwear are perfect for protecting you and your sheets in case you experience a leaking bladder at night. They are designed to absorb liquid within seconds, as well as lock in odours. Always Discreet underwear is a great option for protecting against bladder leakage at night. It can absorb up to a full bladder’s worth of urine within seconds. Their Double LeakGuards help stop leaks where they happen most, (at the legs), to help you wake up fresh, dry, and ready to start the day with a smile on your face.

If you wet the bed, talk to your doctor about what you are experiencing. Bedwetting can often be a sign of an underlying medical issue that requires attention, such as bladder cancer, kidney disease, a neurological disorder, or even just a simple urinary tract infection. The sooner you know what the source is, the faster you can get treatment, learn how to stop bedwetting, and be on your way to a dry, comfortable and good night’s sleep.

Try wearing products designed for bladder leaks such as Always Discreet liners, pads, and underwear to protect against incontinence. They absorb liquids and odours within seconds, to help you stay comfortable. Plus, they come in different sizes and absorbencies to meet a wide range of protection needs.